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恭贺马来西亚中国建交45周年! Celebration of 45th year Malaysian-China Diplomatic Ties!
May 31, 2019

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1974年5月31日,马来西亚中国正式建立邦交关系。在马中建交45周年庆的重要日子,中国东盟商务协会总会会长丹斯里林玉唐祝愿马中关系更上一层楼,并期盼两国共同实现”三加” 目标,也就是双边贸易”加大” 、友好关系”加深” 、两国合作”加强” ,开创两国更加美好的未来。

President of the China-ASEAN Business Association, Tan Sri Lim Gait Tong hopes that the relationship between Malaysia and China will grow from strength to strength. May both countries benefit from bigger trade, closer relations, and stronger cooperation.

Happy 45th Anniversary!
Song Credit: 中马建交45周年主题曲 《左肩》